Monday, March 27, 2006

More Anti-Nutter Demonstrations

This made me and Giacomo smile.

Three cheers for the defenders of free speech.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

How not to get it 2.

Slightly guilty at chiming in like this, as most targets of Nutter Watch are people who merely have strange views. Not quoting the source, but you can guess can't you.

But watching [Julia Goldsworthy on the Games] made us thankful for one thing - not being Lib Dems anymore. I considered how I would feel if I was still a member and my conclusion was that I would feel gutted. Gutted that Cringeworthy had shown the whole world that, rather than having trendy young MPs which the population can relate to - the type that you would see in celeb magazines, Julia had proved yet again that the Lib Dems are the Party of Geeks.
Um yes. Because most people read celeb mags, don't they?

No, actually, Celeb magazines are read by a minority of sad (in the modern sense if not the original), shallow, inadequates. Not "the population". Not normal people.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

How not to get it.

Well even the Liberal Democrats attract their share of nutters. Case in point are The Darbyshires. Robin and Leah were members before resigning over mild criticism of them in other members' blogs.

Recently it seems, however, they've gone over the edge. Former colleagues who gave them the benefit of the doubt over their handling of a spoof of their blog have now had second thoughts.

Some colleagues observed that there was a fair amount of narcissism in Leah and Robin's posts. To prove everyone wrong, they wrote a series of posts. About how ugly everyone else is. Not getting that holding appearances to be important is narcissism.

The worst example is this:

You see, [her] saying anything critical about me - whether it be about my intelligence, career, brain or personality, is exactly analogous to the School Geek having the nerve and audacity to criticise the popular High School Prom Queen (& her King) where said Prom Queen has an equivalent brain (and qualifications) to the Geek.

Yes because right of comment and opinion is entirely dependent on how relatively attractive you are isn't it boys and girls. Leah obviously misunderstood the moral of all those films where the prom queen turned out to be bitch and horrible and got her comeuppance, and the geek was supposed to be the identity character for the audience.

Thing is with the prom queen scenario, it's based on the fact kids can be quite nasty and quite stupid, most of us learn that looks are irrelevant when it comes to a person's worth while growing up. It's obvious Leah hasn't had the benefit of developing maturity.

Update: It seems that Leah has felt better about her attacks on FdR and Julia Goldsworthy, as they have been deleted from the blog.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Martin? Any relation?

Gunned down: the teenager who dared to walk across his neighbour's prized lawn

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Archbishop takes a stand

We here like to saulte those who take a stand against idiocy, as much as we like poking fun at those that are idiots. We now praise Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Cantebury.

Today in the Guardian Archbishop Rowan Williams condemns those who teach creationism as Science.

"I think creationism is ... a kind of category mistake, as if the Bible were a theory like other theories ... if creationism is presented as a stark alternative theory alongside other theories I think there's just been a jarring of categories ... My worry is creationism can end up reducing the doctrine of creation rather than enhancing it," he said.