Few people will have seen Stephen Fry's splendid tour de force on this week, given it's late timeslot and frankly odd notion that we are still in an era of two party politics.
He states:
Almost the whole of my text at the moment, in my head as I fall asleep, is summed up by the word 'contempt'. Contempt, in politics, for the hypocrisy, the double standards, the double dealing, the corruption and the moral suasion. It's almost impossible for me to explain just how deeply I feel contempt. I want to go into detail - and I think you'll be rather shocked, and I hope rather edified, by what I have to say. Cant and hypocrisy. So who are these terrible hypocrites? Who are these double dealers? Who are these liars and fraudulent corrupt people? Well, you're listening to one of them: that's me. And I'm talking to millions of them: that's you.
This has garnered a rather odd response in some quarters:
Yes, this lumbering champagne-fuddled fop thinks that the fault for the mess we endure in society can be laid plain and square at the foot of the door of society.
How dare Stephen Fry suggest people take some responsibility for the state of their own communities, I agree somewhat sarcastically.