Thursday, October 21, 2004

Welfare and Power

Written by Peter Cuthbertson on Harry's Place:
"As Mark Steyn amongst others have pointed out, it is Europe's choice if it wants to spend its money on bulbous welfare systems and 35 hour weeks rather than the sort of military forces and economic power that win respect and influence in the world. But in no sense have they then the right to demand some of the influence that America won through her prudence. Yet again we see left-wingers utterly indifferent to the work that brought others success, happy to redistribute to the grasshopper the fruits of the ant's toil. It may be power and influence we're discussing rather than money, but its principle is no more than same old socialist mentality."
I couldn't find the original Steyn quote so we'll just have to goggle at Peter's logic instead. As highlighted here amongst other places.


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